Uganda is the leading tourist destination in Africa and one
of the attractions that have led to this ranking are the diverse collection of
the wild animals. Among the primate species that are found in Uganda, are the chimpanzees.
These human-like creatures are so elegant and have an interesting lifestyle
that everyone would be impressed to witness.

While on a gorilla safari to Uganda, you can extend the
adventure by tracking the chimps. This can help to clearly draw the differences
between the two primates. In Uganda, these chimps are mainly in Kibale Forest
National Park. While at this park, a visitor gets a chance of coming closer to
the chimps and even take photographs with them for remembrance. The maximum
time that a visitor can take with the chimps at Kibale Forest National Park is
1 hour but the whole activity of chimp tracking takes 3 hours.
While tracking the chimps, a visitor can have a chance of
witnessing a fight between a chimpanzee and a monkey. This is because chimps at
the park keep on hunting and casing monkeys away from their territories. They
swing and crash through the tree tops which is accompanied by a loud sound.
Its however advisable that a visitor should have some briefing
before going for chimp tracking so as to know what should be done while in the wild. A
visitor is expected o avoid irritating behaviors while tracking the chimps and
he/she should maintain a distance of at least 6 meters from the chimps. When
irritated, chimpanzees can attack humans and therefore, a tracker should
maintain maximum discipline. One of the things that irritate the chimps is the
flush light of the camera.
Visitors are grouped in small numbers and briefed before
going for chimp tracking. Moving in large numbers while tracking the chimps can
scare them and therefore, small groups are encouraged. Sometimes, it becomes difficult
to see chimps while tracking and so a visitor should know the various ways of
seeing the hiding chimps. Chimps are fond of hiding in thick tree-leaves and a
tracker needs to be so skilled and vigilant enough to see them. Sometimes, visitors
are requested to keep silent while tracking so as to hear the hiding chimps as
they crash the leaves.
Chimps in Uganda can also be found in Queen Elizabeth
National Park, Budongo Forest Reserve, Semuliki National Park and Ngamba Island
Chimpanzee Sanctuary.
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