Gorillas mainly feed on vegetables and are herbivorous apes.
A male gorilla's height is 6 feet (about 1.8 meters) and it weighs between 478 to 485 pounds.This size in males mainly depends on the subspecies.
The female gorilla's height is about 5 feet (1.5 meters) with a weight of around 98 kg.
Gorillas have 10 fingers and 10 toes,32 teeth, forward-looking eyes and small ears on the side of their heads,just like humans.
Gorilla's stomachs are larger than their chests and this is because of their enlarged intestines,that are necessary for digesting bulky and fibrous vegetation eaten.
A gorilla eats about 18kg of food per day due to the low nutritional quality of the food eaten.
A Gorilla can walk upright but predominantly walks on 4 limbs.
There is no specific language for gorillas but it is estimated that gorillas have more than 22 distinct sounds,that are used for communication.
A normal gorillas spends 40% of the day eating,40% of the day playing and foraging and 20% of the day sleeping.
Gorillas divide themselves in small groups known as troops and each group has a male leader.
A female gorilla reproduces when she is around 8 years old.When this time comes,she leaves her troop and forms her safe troop because of safety reasons.
A newly born gorilla grows very fast and it starts to walk at about 6 months old.
The major predator for gorillas are crocodiles and leopards.
Gorillas mainly live in tropical forests in Africa.
The mountain gorillas are found around Virunga volcanoes in Rwanda,Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.
Facts about the Gorillas
Order: Primates
Family: Homonidae
Genus: Gorilla
Species: Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei
"Come to East Africa and have a glance at these hard-to find Gorillas"
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