Showing posts with label Gorilla Safaris in Rwanda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gorilla Safaris in Rwanda. Show all posts

Monday 17 February 2014

Why you must make a Rwanda Safari this year

Rwanda is found in East Africa in the west of Uganda in the Eastern rim of the Albertine rift valley and this makes it the smallest landlocked country in East Africa.Due to its peace and culture, it has become one of the rapidly growing countries in terms of both cultural safaris and gorilla tracking. This is happening after Rwanda experiencing genocide in 1994 which disorganized its tourism industry. Sometimes Rwanda is referred to as a ‘land of a thousand hills’ simply because of its beautiful numerous hills that leave visitors wondering whether it’s the highest point in the world.


Today the country receives more than  500 international tourists on a daily basis and it’s regarded as a safe place for adventure. Having a Rwanda Safari is very easy because the distances are relatively small and the paved roads are generally in good condition.

You will never regret having made a  Rwanda safari since your warmly welcomed by the local people and you get to visit the following places; five volcanoes in a row and the biggest concentration of mountain gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park, Nyungwe forest –a tropical rainforest with chimpanzees, Red-tailed monkey, large troops of Angolan Colobus, blue monkeys and Patas monkeys.

Visit the western and central Rwanda where there are steep mountains lying at evolutions between 1500 and 2500 meters above sea level. Lot of hiking opportunities through the beautiful sceneries is given by the Virunga volcanoes. In the Eastern parts of the country (boarder with Tanzania), lies the steep mountains. The lower lying terrain is part of the Lake Victoria basin, with the Kagera River. This wonderful Ecosystem is much protected by Akagere National Park.

Apart from being the cleanest country in East Africa, Rwanda is a tropical country and much of it lies in the African plateau. Therefore Rwanda has a tropical climate, with temperatures between 24 and 29 degrees Celsius during the day and between 12 and 18 degrees Celsius at night. Rain in Rwanda is experienced from March to May, and October to December.This known-calm climate favours tourism throughout the year.

Kinyarwandais and French are the mostly used languages in Rwanda, but English is also widely spoken. The currency is the Rwandan French (RFr). Beautiful things about Rwanda can’t be exhausted but making a Safari to the country is more ideal.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

What you should know about Gorillas of Uganda and Rwanda - Uganda and Rwanda safaris

Being the number one tourist attraction in Uganda and Rwanda,its vital to know the important facts about the gorillas before going for an Africa Gorilla Safari.

Gorillas mainly feed on vegetables and are herbivorous apes.
A male gorilla's height is 6 feet (about 1.8 meters) and it weighs between 478 to 485 pounds.This size in males mainly depends on the subspecies.
The female gorilla's height is about 5 feet (1.5 meters) with a weight of around 98 kg.

Gorillas have 10 fingers and 10 toes,32 teeth, forward-looking eyes and small ears on the side of their heads,just like humans.

Gorilla's stomachs are larger than their chests and this is because of their enlarged intestines,that are necessary for digesting bulky and fibrous vegetation eaten.
A gorilla eats about 18kg of food per day due to the low nutritional quality of the food eaten.

A Gorilla can walk upright but predominantly walks on 4 limbs.
There is no specific language for gorillas but it is estimated that gorillas have more than 22 distinct sounds,that are used for communication.
A normal gorillas spends 40% of the day eating,40% of the day playing and foraging and 20% of the day sleeping.

Gorillas divide themselves in small groups known as troops and each group has a male leader.

A female gorilla reproduces when she is around 8 years old.When this time comes,she leaves her troop and forms her safe troop because of safety reasons.
A newly born gorilla grows very fast and it starts to walk at about 6 months old.

The major predator for gorillas are crocodiles and leopards.

Gorillas mainly live in tropical forests in Africa.
The mountain gorillas are found around Virunga volcanoes in Rwanda,Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.

Facts about the Gorillas

Order: P



Gorilla gorilla and Gorilla beringei

"Come to East Africa and have a glance at these hard-to find Gorillas"

Monday 6 January 2014

The elegant mountain gorillas of Uganda and Rwanda - Uganda and Rwanda Safaris

A mountain gorilla

Also known as the"Pearl of Africa",Uganda is a green country blessed with blessed with deep Lakes, mountains and it's one of the favorite for tourists.

One of the greatest attractions in Uganda and Rwanda are the mountain Gorillas and Uganda has half of the world's remaining mountain Gorillas population.

Most of the Mountain Gorillas in Uganda are found in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. 

Gorilla Safaris in Uganda will help you visit this East African country and get a chance to see these hard-to find mammals. 
At the moment,a tourist is required to get a Gorilla permit before seeing these gorillas and these permits are got from Uganda Wildlife Authority.

Facts about the Gorillas
Gorillas have an interesting lifestyle and they live in groups of 20-36 members.In each of these groups,there is one male leader and others are females with their young ones.
At birth of a baby Gorilla that weighs about 2.6 kg,the mother takes good care and the males are always there to offer security.
A gorilla spends 30% of the day feeding,30% traveling and 40% resting.The gorillas spends most of its time on ground unlike other primates.They move for  more than a kilometer everyday in search for food.
Since they feed mainly on vegetables,Gorillas spend there time in greener areas where they can easily get the food.A male adult can eat about 20kg a day.
In the day,the gorillas rest and play with their friends and family.This activity is mostly liked by the young gorillas.They hug,bite,hit and pull each other.

As the gorillas wind up their day,they construct their nests where to spend a night.Each gorilla has its own nest except for the young gorillas that must sleep next to their mothers.Constructed of tree-branches and leaves,these nests are built on ground.

"Come for a Uganda Safari or Rwanda Gorilla Safari and see these Gorillas for yourself".

Sunday 22 December 2013

What to do while trekking the Gorillas - Uganda and Rwanda Safaris

Uganda and Rwanda are mostly known for harboring the hard-to find mountain gorillas.This has led to an increase in the number of tourists who travel from different parts of the world to these EastAfrican countries.The gorillas are mainly found in Western Uganda and Eastern Rwanda.These primate species are interesting to look at and therefore a visitor is required to get some briefing about the "does" and "don'ts" before going for trekking.
Gorillas of Uganda and Rwanda

Before setting off for a  gorilla tracking in the morning,you are briefed by the guide who will let you know about your next movements and routes to follow.It is advisable that you carry some drinking water with you as you go for this adventurous trip and a stick to enable you walk freely through the thick forests.

Since trekking requires some degree of fitness,you are advised to make some exercise for about 1 week before going for this activity.This is ideal since you are required to move through thick forests and highlands,climbing mountains and this takes many hours.In case one has a physical disability,there are special solutions and these depend on where you are doing your trekking from.Some National Parks provide stretchers with porters to push the visitor while trekking.

It is advisable that you keep quite once you have entered the forest to avoid scaring away the gorillas.These gorillas are fond of hiding in tree leaves and therefore,it requires one to be quite foe easy viewing.
Once you have seen the gorillas,avoid irritating behaviors that can scare them and in case you want to take photos with them,make sure that your flash light is off.
Visitors taking photos of the Gorillas
It is recommended that you keep a minimum distance of about 6 meters from these gorillas for safety.Gorillas can attack human beings once disturbed and this is the reason why a visitor is advised to avoid irritating behaviors.

Each National Park has its own time period that a visitor can spend with the gorillas but is always about 1 hour.The whole trekking activity can take between 3-8 hours.There are many gorilla groups both in Uganda and Rwanda and this is this is the reason why trekking takes almost the whole day.

What a visitor should carry on a gorilla safari?
Some of the things that a visitor should carry on a gorilla safari include;enough money for personal expenses,walking boots and long socks suitable for passing through thick forests,clothes with wildlife adapted colors ( Khaki clothes),long-sleeved shirts,rain gears,slippers,sun protection,sweater,sunglasses,hat,sun cream,photo/video camera,films and torch,insect repellants,glove to grip vegetation and binoculars.

What to you should wear on gorilla safari?
A visitor is advised to wear fitting,relaxed and loose clothes to enable him/her feel flexible while trekking.Avoid carrying unnecessary amount of clothes with you to avoid inconveniences.

Acquiring a gorilla permit
Gorilla permits are highly demanded and you are advised to book and pay in advance.To avoid inconveniences and disappointments,book for permits in time with the relevant authorities.

"A day spent trekking the gorillas can never be forgotten"

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Best time to visit Rwanda - Rwanda Safaris

Rwanda has a fairly temperate temperature that favours travel throughout the year.The country is near  the equator at a high altitude,which gives it a natural highland atmosphere and consistent temperature.Variations in the countries climate is due to the difference in the altitude or seasons but not regions.
One of Rwanda's hills
The northeast of Rwanda experiences more rainfall compared to other parts of the country.This is the area with most highlands including the Volcanoes.In other areas, climate does not fluctuate frequently month to month and this makes it steady all year around.

Rwanda has mainly 4 seasons that a visitor should know before planning a visit to this wonderful country.The highland areas are cooler than other areas that have a temperature of about 30 degrees Celsius,during daytime.
The capital city of Rwanda (Kigali) has an average temperature that is about 21 degrees Celsius.

Activities between March and Mid May
This is the time when Rwanda experiences a long rainy season which is unrelenting.This season is so serious in the highland areas.Gorilla Safaris during this season is not suitable but chimpanzee tracking in Nyungwe area can workout.During this season chimp tracking is possible because the fruits in the forest ripen and the chimpanzees come out in large numbers to eat them.

Activities between  mid May and Mid October
During this period,it is always a dry season in Rwanda and it is the best time for gorilla trackers to visit the country.Gorilla tracking during this time is easy and it is mainly carried out in Volcanoes National Park.
Game viewing is also recommended during this time because wild animals converge at the water sources during day so as to take water.Some of the animals to see in Rwanda at this Time include;Buffaloes,golden monkeys,mountain gorillas and elephants.After taking water ( in the evening),the animals go back to their respective places where they stay and gorillas go back to the rainforest.

Activities between Mid October and November
A short rain period is experienced during this period and it is also known as a birding period.Most trees and plants flower during this period and so different birds gather to eat the fresh seeds.
A birding Safari is advisable during this period.Another activity that can be done during this season is taking photographs at the beautiful hills covered by flowers.The scenery at the highlands is magnificent.

Activities between December and February
This is a short dry season and it is also a suitable period for game viewing.Hiking safaris are also at a peak during this period plus mountain climbing.

Monday 25 November 2013

Volcanoes National Park - Rwanda Safaris

Where is the park located?

Volcanoes National Park is found in the northwest of Rwanda,bordering Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda.
Also termed as the home for mountain gorillas,Volcanoes National Park has 5 of the 8 volcanoes of Virunga Mountains including;Bisoke,Gahinga,Sabinyo,Muhabura and Karisibi.

Brief history about the Park
Volcanoes National Park was first gazetted in 1925 and it started as a small park.This was the first National Park to be created in Africa.
The park kept on expanding and by 1929,it had expanded into the Belgian Congo for about 8090
The Park lost its glory during the Rwanda civil war in 1992 and its headquarters were destroyed.However in 1999,after the civil war,the park resumed and it has greatly improved.

Flora and Fauna at the Park
A gorilla at the Park
Volcanoes National Park is well known for the hard-to find Mountain Gorillas.These gorillas are a key to the increasing number of visitors that visit the Park leading to an increase in Gorilla Safaris in Rwanda.On top of the gorillas,there are other mammals including the golden monkeys,black-fronted duiker,buffaloes,spotted Hyena and Bushbucks.
On rare occasions,a visitor may also see the elephants in the park.

The park is also a paradise for bird watching with a recorded 178 bird species.Among these,there are 13 species and 16 subspecies that are endemic to the Virunga and Rwenzori Mountains.

The park is blessed with a stunning collection of vegetation that varies considerably due to the large altitudinal range within the park.There is a montane forest that covers about 30% of the park.
The forest has rare tree species and it is one of the largest Hagenia Abyssinica forests.
The vegetation of Volcanoes National Park covers an area between 3500 to 4200 maters.and it is mainly on the humid slopes in the west and south of the park.

What are some of the activities at the park?
A visitor to Volcanoes National Park is exposed to numerous activities and these include; Gorilla tracking,Golden monkey visits,Mountain Climbing,Tour of Lakes and Caves,Visiting the tomb of Dian Fossey,Nature walks,Cultural walks,Game drives and Birding.

What are some of the accommodations at the Park?
Accommodations at Volcanoes National Park include:

-Mountain Gorilla Lodge:This Lodge is situated at the base of Mountain Sabinyo (the Virunga Mountains range),at a place known as Kinigi.The Lodge has 36 cottages and they all have en-suit bathrooms and fireplaces.The rooms are comfortable with hot water.

Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge
-Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge:Located in the foothills of Virunga,this Lodge has modern facilities that offer comfort.There are 2 guest suites,1 family complex and 5 cottages.All guest rooms and suites are strategicaly located to offer a wide view of the park.

-Virunga Lodge:This is an additional to the Volcanoes' eco-lodge and it is found on the stunning hillside offering great views of the park. The Lodge has 8 individual chalets that are strategically located to enable Lake and Volcano views.

Thursday 7 November 2013

TRAVEL TO UGANDA AND RWANDA - Uganda and Rwanda Safaris

Uganda and Rwanda are both found in East Africa and these are one of the few countries in the World where mountain Gorillas are found.The hard-to find wild animals that are found in these countries are one of reasons of the frequent reception of both Uganda Safaris and Rwanda Safaris.This also leads to an increase in both Uganda Gorilla Safaris and Rwanda Gorilla Safaris.

In the past two years,these East African countries have experienced a rapid growth in the Tourism industry due to their serene environment,birds and wild animals.These animals are found in the in National Parks and reserves.

The political climate in these countries is stable and calm, instilling confidence in the visitors who travel from different parts of the world to come and look at the "human like"animals (gorillas).
Apart from the gorillas,there are other wild animals in these countries including;the Lions,Leopards,Elephants,Monkeys,Chimpanzees, Buffaloes,Crocodiles,Hippos,Antelopes,Snakes, Giraffes, Warthogs and many more.These countries are also habitats for different species of birds.

An unforgettable Safari to Uganda and Rwanda enables visitors to tour the following National Parks;

.Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
.Queen Elizabeth National Park
.Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
.Murchison Falls National Park
.Kibale Forest National Park
.Lake Mburo National Park
.MT Rwenzori National Park
.MT Elgon National Park
.Semliki National Park
.Kidepo Valley National Park

.Volcanoes National Park
.Akagera National Park
.Nyungwe Forest

A visit to Uganda and Rwanda can never be forgotten.